Expat Blogs

Posted May 26th, 2016 by ke908 and filed in Uncategorized

Expats Blog for Expats and other interested parties.

I have been looking around trying to find some other expat blogs for people based in this part of Japan. I have only been able to find a couple and they are private ones. So I thought I would try to open this out a bit, if anyone else is out there. Then we can drown together!


Posted May 23rd, 2016 by ke908 and filed in Uncategorized

We went to our Japanese lesson today. – More of that later. In the Centre that hosts the lessons were two exhibitions. One was Japanese art. I imagine from a local art club. It was a series of panels ranging from calligraphy to paintings of tigers and mountains. I quite liked it. Anyway, together with that was an exhibition of quilting. I was allowed to take photographs of that so I did. I just had my phone with me so the quality is not brilliant but I did enjoy looking at these as well.

Local quilting exhibition

Local quilting exhibition

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Secret Books…

Posted May 15th, 2016 by ke908 and filed in Uncategorized

P_20160521_143404I like the ways that goods are often presented here. It doesn’t seem to take much extra effort but the effect is great!Book covers

We bought a small selection of books and they had these little dust jackets provided for them. Neat. The boook shop is called Maruzen. We have found two so far. The one in Tenjin at the back of Tenjin core has a more extensive English language selection (as well as quite a few other languages). They have an extensive non-fiction part. I took one of these photos to show off part of the Chemistry selection. Books by Faraday, Pauling…