A place to live

Posted February 16th, 2016 by ke908 and filed in Uncategorized

Renting a place to live in Japan

Do you know anyone who is Japanese and will act as a guarantor for you in case you abscond from your rental property? No? OK, that makes it more difficult then. Plan (What letter are we up to?) means that you will have to use a Guarantor company, if your employer will not. If you are not Japanese then you may find it more difficult to get an owner to rent a property to you. If you have recently arrived from the UK you may have a problem with the Guarantor company accessing your crefit history from the UK. Do not expect things to happen in a rush. Estate Agents have access to all properties on the market so if you do not like the approach of the first agent you speak to go next door. Chances are another Agent is not too far away.

Shipping your stuff from the UK? Oops. If you decided that you were going to ship you have probably too much stuff. Most rental market properties, and remember the issues raised above, are for young couples or single people. If you have a lifetime of goods on their way from the UK then you may struggle to find anything large enough to be able to rent. Imagine all your furniture in a European holiday apartment and think if it will fit. Anything bigger will probably be for sale, not rent. A double bed, two bedside tables and that will probably be the main bedroom furnished.